Esse quam videri
JoinedPosts by Esse quam videri
What would happen if both parents of a baptised child were to be disfellowshipped?
by Esse quam videri inwe hear of children as young as eight being baptized.
the governing body have tried making twelve year olds feel guilty about not being baptized.
being as the society has encouraged [pushed] young ones to be baptized, it apparently has taken a 'keen interest' in the spiritual health and eternal welfare of the child.
God's word explained by the 'faithful and discreet slave'
by Esse quam videri in"however, we cannot hope to acquire a good relationship with jehovah if we ignore those whom jesus has appointed to care for his belongings.
without the assistance of the faithful and discreet slave, we would neither understand the full import of what we read in gods word nor know how to apply it.
" examining the scriptures daily 2012 mar 4 .
Esse quam videri
"However, we cannot hope to acquire a good relationship with Jehovah if we ignore those whom Jesus has appointed to care for his belongings. Without the assistance of “the faithful and discreet slave,” we would neither understand the full import of what we read in God’s Word nor know how to apply it." Examining the Scriptures Daily 2012 Mar 4
Stephen Lett has lovingly explained that God's 'express will' is NOT like a speeding train OR an 'espresso cup of coffee'. Subject to clarification in future Watchtower articles, or 'keynote convention addresses' by the 'faithful and discreet slave' I will make an attempt to explain why the 'faithful slave' has come to this conclusion.
Ask almost anyone and they will invariably say that espresso has more caffeine than regular coffee. The assumption makes perfect sense, what else would explain that caffeine buzz we get when we down a shot of espresso in the morning?
Interesting, but is this correct? Well that depends on your perspective.
During the 1950's a typical serving size of coffee ranged from 4 to 6 oz. But over the years our "cup" size has grown six-fold from approximately 6oz to 24oz - depending on the establishment.
According to the National Coffee Association (NCA) a typical cup of drip coffee (8oz) contains approximately 65-120 mg of caffeine. Not exactly a tight tolerance, but why is there such a large variation in caffeine content?
Well without getting overly technical, there are several factors including brew time, dwell time, water temperature, grind level, roast level, bean type, blend, etc. that all have a significant affect on the final extraction of caffeine. We will discuss those a bit later.
Now if we look at the level of caffeine contained in a typical cup of drip and espresso those figures come in at about 92.5mg and 40.0mg, respectively. Remember these are averages so the exact amount will vary.
As you can clearly see drip coffee with approximately 92.5mg contains a larger concentrationsof caffeine than espresso - how much more? On average about 2.3x more!
So there we said it - drip coffee has MORE caffeine than espresso! Case closed, go home!
Well, not exactly!!
If we take this approach its actually an unfair comparison and we need to compare "apples to apples".
A more correct approach would be to compare two beverages in terms of their caffeine concentration per ounce (oz).
In the case of drip coffee, we need to divide the 65-120 mg of caffeine by its serving size. In this case the caffeine is distributed over 8 oz resulting in: 8.125 - 15 mg per oz.
That means that for every ounce of coffee solution we can expect 8.125-15 mg of caffeine. For our purposes lets say 8-15mg
Whereas in espresso, even though we start off with about a 1/2 to 1/3 less caffeine (ie. 30-50mg) - all this caffeine is contained in just 1 oz of liquid or expressed numerically as 30 - 50 mg per oz.
Meaning that in just 1 oz of espresso solution we can expect 30-50mg of caffeine.
So what does all this mean?
Although we can conclude that drip coffee contains much more caffeine than espresso - this is all due to its much larger serving size - that is 8oz vs 1oz.
Obviously since espresso is served in much smaller volumes, we see less caffeine (from a beverage perspective).
But when viewed from a volume perspective - espresso has a much more caffeine than drip coffee.
The Bottom Line
So does espresso really have more espresso than drip? Well the answer really depends on your perspective. If we look at this issue:
- from a beverage perspective - drip coffee has more caffeine.
So why do most people believe espresso has more caffeine than regular?
Well, part of the reason this belief has continued to exist is because caffeine itself an intensely bitter compound. Since espresso is roasted at a much darker roast which creates a higher concentration of 'bitter' molecules - the logical "connection" would seem correct - but it is in fact incorrect.
The bitter compounds that arise from darker roasts is not due to more caffeine, but rather bitter compounds created during the Maillard reaction.
It is this much lower concentration of caffeine (per serving) in espresso that allow Italians to drink upwards of 10 to 12 espresso's per day without getting overly jittery. Try drinking a dozen 12 oz cups of drip coffee and you'll likely end up with a visit to the hospital from excessively high levels of caffeine in your system.
Unfortunately its very difficult to "standardize" the caffeine of coffee beverages since there are numerous variables need to be considered, including:
- Beverage Size - are we comparing a cup at 4oz, 5 oz, 12oz or 24oz?
- Blends - many roaster create their own blends of various beans each with subtle difference in caffeine content.
- Bean Type - is the blend 100% arabica, robusta or both?
- Grind - was the coffee prepared with a fine grind, ultra fine grind, coarse, etc?
- Water Temp - was the coffee prepared with the recommended 195-205F temperature range?
- Milk - was milk added or now - as this will dilute the caffeine content per ml.
- Others - machine type, dwell time, etc.
All these factors make the calculation of caffeine in coffee beverages a real challenge. Hopefully with the implementation of industry standards by trade organizations we can begin the journey towards creating more standardized cups of coffee in our industry.
So, there you have it. While God's express will is definitely like a normal cup of coffee, it is NOT like an espresso cup of coffee. It all depends on the caffeine content. -
What would happen if both parents of a baptised child were to be disfellowshipped?
by Esse quam videri inwe hear of children as young as eight being baptized.
the governing body have tried making twelve year olds feel guilty about not being baptized.
being as the society has encouraged [pushed] young ones to be baptized, it apparently has taken a 'keen interest' in the spiritual health and eternal welfare of the child.
Esse quam videri
The Watchtower here shows the proper view of the Jehovah's Witness parents toward their apostate nine year old child. To quote, "...the laws of the land and God's law forbid us to kill apostates [ our nine year old child]..."
So, while we are commanded to shun them to the full extent possible, we lovingly allow them to live.
by The Searcher inwhatever the outcome of the appeal, i fear that most of us are going to be very disappointed.. a) obviously if the org wins.. b) if the org loses, they will put their plan 'b' into action - damage limitation - which will iinvolve confidentiality agreements being signed by pending/future victims, thereby settling the majority of cases out of court, and winning in several ways;.
there are probably other benefits, but these are the principal ones, and for these reasons i reckon the floodgates will never be allowed to be opened!!!
they've seen how other establishments have responded to their pedophile cases, and have picked up some good tips on how to minimise the effects.
Esse quam videri
Patience is a virtue, and I'm learning patience. It's a tough lesson.
Elon Musk
My hope is that all those deserving of justice, no matter on which side they find themselves, will receive it.
Some with the brutal and harsh force of nature.
Some with the pleasant feel of a warm breeze touching their tender face.
NEW LIGHT FROM SLO CIRCUIT OVERSEER "Warning, Blood on Doorposts", "The Couple who Missed One Meeting Died With Their Kids, Don't Miss Any!
by Trailer Park Pioneer insorry, i messed up before i could put the right title on this new light from our circuit overseer, his visit show's a great desperation in the organization's mindset, adding more anxiety and guilt to jws who already feel they don't measure up!.
hi, i attended the circuit overseers visit and got really angry because our c.o.
gave information coming from the governing body's chief apologists regarding "meeting attendance" and "the couple who missed one meeting and lost their entire family because they did not get the "411" when armageddon was coming!
Esse quam videri
One congregation I attended for years had an elder with a job requiring three shifts. Days, evenings and graveyard. He missed two weeks out of six Ministry School, Service Meeting and Book study for decades. Everyone knew he was so under qualified, with no jobs skills to go looking for new employment that no one ever said anything. He had a good paying job, took care of his family and did not miss meetings when off work.
I wonder how the s--t storm from this CO would go over in that hall.
What would happen if both parents of a baptised child were to be disfellowshipped?
by Esse quam videri inwe hear of children as young as eight being baptized.
the governing body have tried making twelve year olds feel guilty about not being baptized.
being as the society has encouraged [pushed] young ones to be baptized, it apparently has taken a 'keen interest' in the spiritual health and eternal welfare of the child.
Esse quam videri
We hear of children as young as eight being baptized. The Governing Body have tried making twelve year olds feel guilty about not being baptized. Being as the Society has encouraged [pushed] young ones to be baptized, it apparently has taken a 'keen interest' in the spiritual health and eternal welfare of the child. How far does this 'keen interest' go?
- What consequences would result for the family if the father and mother were both disfellowshipped?
- How would the elders maintain contact with the child, or would they even care?
- Would they just write the child off as collateral damage?
deliberate deception by org
by Magnum inthere is ample evidence of the jw organizations being deceptive (for example, misusing quotes in publications such as the trinity brochure and the creation book), but a few years ago i noticed one glaring example of deception that is worth noting..
part #4 for the theocratic ministry school for the week of july 21, 2008 was how can false prophets be identified?
the material was the reasoning book beginning on page 132 (there was a similar service meeting part the week of 8-26-13)..
Esse quam videri
I agree. Another one which disturbs me is the 'Millions now living will never die' subject first brought to the public in 1918,
" ... A public talk titled "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living May Never Die" was first delivered on February 24, 1918 in Los Angeles, California. Five weeks later, on March 31, 1918 the title was changed to indicate absolute certainty: "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living Will Never Die." The public talk continued to be delivered under that same title until 1925..."
A short five weeks later the wording was changed to a more 'accurate' understanding, as the light was getting brighter and brighter. Now we go to the library and look at the WT of Feb 15, 2015, in the article 'The Spirit and the Bride Keep On Saying: ‘Come!’ par 8, their '21st century words' say the following:
"...The anointed followers of Christ have been extending the invitation since as far back as 1918. In that year, the public talk entitled “Millions Now Living May Never Die” offered hope that many will gain life in a paradise earth after the battle of Armageddon. A talk given at the convention of Bible Students at Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., in 1922 urged listeners to ‘advertise the King and his kingdom.’ This appeal helped the remnant of the bride class to reach more people with the invitation. In 1929, the March 15 issue of The Watchtower contained an article entitled “Gracious Invitation,” with Revelation 22:17 as its theme text. In part, the article stated: “The faithful remnant class join [the Most High] in the gracious invitation and say, ‘Come.’ This message is to be proclaimed to those who have a desire for righteousness and truth. It must be done now.” To this day, the bride class continues to extend that invitation..."
Now it is true that the initial heading did say 'may', however, an honest and truthful recounting of this important subject would have noted the change.
This is what really frosts me about the Watchtower and their '21st century words'. Covering over, ignoring and intentionally disregarding important historical facts. They would be view as more honourable purveyors of history if they owned up to these facts. The effect is to stain everything they say, causing honest researchers to wonder if anything they say it truthful. The result is that, instead of people looking to their words for guidance, they closely examine everything to see if more untruths or deceptive words can be found. It is certainly doing a disservice to honest students of history.
What is further annoying is the extent the Society will go to to prove the 607 and 1914 dates, squeezing, massaging and manipulating every drop of evidence out of every scripture and historical account. Blatant covering over modern day historical facts brings a measure of guilt and adds to their accountability.